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Samstag 10.02.18

14:30 Uhr

Von Mickey Mouse bis Manga

Ihr wolltet schon immer Euren eigenen Comic zeichnen? Dann seid Ihr bei unserem Comiczeichnen-Workshop genau richtig: Schritt für Schritt könnt Ihr Eure eigene Graphic Novel oder Comic entwerfen. Von der Entwicklung der Geschichte (Storytelling), über das Design der Figuren (Characterdesign) bis hin zum Layout der Seiten (Panelling).

Samstag 22.07.17

17:00 Uhr

Cajun Southern Cuisine (in English)

Essen zubereiten wie in den Südstaaten der USA - authentische Cajun-Gerichte selber kochen.

Donnerstag 20.07.17

15:00 Uhr

Quilting Bees (in English & Deutsch)

This is a conversation and quilting group where ideas are exchanged and enthusiasm is shared.
Learn the English vocabulary of quilting. Talk about historical aspects of this folk craft tradition in America and create beautiful quilts while doing so. Share your expertise with the group and perfect your quilting skills.

Freitag 14.07.17

16:00 Uhr

Writer's Club: "moving on" (in English)

Workshop with Carolyn Murphey Melchers.

Try your creative writing skills in English and be inspired by our optional
monthly starters to get you going! Sometimes it is easier to express yourself in a language not your own because you are freed from the expectation to be perfect. Just imagine something and put it into words. You’ll be surprised at what you can write! We welcome native English speakers and non-native English speakers to join our lively monthly discussions of self-written English texts.

Montag 10.07.17

20:00 Uhr

Selma (in English)

The unforgettable true story chronicles the tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a dangerous campaign to secure equal voting rights in the face of violent opposition. The epic march from Selma to Montgomery culminated in President Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the most significant victories for the civil rights movement. Director Ava DuVernay’s “Selma” tells the story of how the revered leader and visionary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his brothers and sisters in the movement prompted change that forever altered history.

In zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung für Amerikanistik, Universität Tübingen

Sonntag 09.07.17

20:15 Uhr

Young Critics: Film "Valley Uprising" (in English)

Jeden zweiten Sonntag im Monat treffen sich junge Erwachsene im d.a.i., um Filme in den Himmel zu loben, gnadenlos niederzumachen oder sie auf Nimmerwiedersehen im Schlund der Durchschnittlichkeit verschwinden zu lassen. Jedes Treffen steht unter einem bestimmten
Motto, zu dem es auch eine kleine Einführung durch Nicolas Lidy gibt.

Bei Snacks und günstigen Getränken in netter Runde sitzen und kritisieren, was das Zeug hält – was will man mehr? In deutscher Sprache; Filme auf Englisch.

Freitag 07.07.17

16:00 Uhr

My America (in English & Deutsch)

How could Trump happen? How will he change America? What will happen to civil rights, gay rights and women's rights in America now?

The d.a.i.'s newest meeting point "My America" is the perfect place to practice your English, meet real Americans and get answers about current issues and insights into U.S. politics. And best of all: the whole package is for free!
Young Americans will present their personal view and feelings on their country every month and answer your questions about their homeland.

This time with Jessica Lang from Alabama.

Donnerstag 22.06.17

15:00 Uhr

Quilting Bees (in English & Deutsch)

This is a conversation and quilting group where ideas are exchanged and enthusiasm is shared.
Learn the English vocabulary of quilting. Talk about historical aspects of this folk craft tradition in America and create beautiful quilts while doing so. Share your expertise with the group and perfect your quilting skills.

Sonntag 18.06.17

20:15 Uhr

Young Critics: Film "The Walk"

Young Critics mit Nicolas Lidy, d.a.i. Tübingen

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch Tantrum

Freitag 09.06.17

16:00 Uhr

Writer's Club: "moving over" (in English)

Workshop with Carolyn Murphey Melchers.
Try your creative writing skills in English and be inspired by our optional
monthly starters to get you going! Sometimes it is easier to express yourself in a language not your own because you are freed from the expectation to be perfect. Just imagine something and put it into words. You’ll be surprised at what you can write! We welcome native English speakers and non-native English speakers to join our lively monthly discussions of self-written English texts.